The Way Love Goes Game Walkthrough Free Download PC. The Way Love Goes PC Game Free Download Full version highly compressed via a direct link to windows and Torrent. Ocean of games Pesterquest IGG games and is totally free to play. This game was Developed by Adult Games and Published by Torrent games. The Way Love Goes It Is a Full And Complete Game. Just Download, Run Setup, And Install.

The Way Love Goes Full Game Download Overview:
It’s been over ten years since you left your home town. At that time it wouldn’t have been an understatement if someone called you a lazy turd. Cause that’s exactly what you were. At one point you’re parents were so fed up, they kicked your ass to the curb. After struggeling for a long time to get both your feet on the ground, you got a spot in a University and worked as manager for a big company for the past five years. Not having seen your parents for a long time, a few months ago you learned they got divorced and both left to different countries for good. Strangely enough though, they must’ve heard of your achievements and that made them so proud, they left you a considerable amount of money before they left. A few weeks ago, your mom’s best friend Megan then contacted you out of the blue, wanting to tell you why your parents divorced and inviting you over for a few weeks. As you haven’t had seen her and her daughters in so long and because you had a little crush on her when you were young, you agreed to come visit. This is where your story begins.